Our alumni
FAMEAIS doesn’t stop after graduation! The alumni network is here for former, actual and prospective students to interact and keep in touch. Explore below or in the “Alumni” section of the website.
Objectives/ Goals of the alumni network
With the FAMEAIS programme having more than 15 cohorts and over 300 alumni, its network and resources are huge. The goal is to create a community around the FAMEAIS Master through an Alumni mentoring system. This aims to create a link between Alumni and students so they can interact on the Master globally, how to integrate it, what comes with it, what happens after…
Structure of the website
Several sections have been developed for the network to be useful for everyone on this website:
1. Testimonials are here for students to grasp what the concrete reality of being a FAMEAIS student is and how the program can change oneself.
2. The Forum is a virtual place where everyone can interact and ask questions about the Master, including candidates, current students and alumni!
Get further involve :
FAMEAIS also has an alumni group on Linkedin. This allows alumni to share job opportunities, check out news on FAMEAIS events and creates a central place where they can contact each other.