Post-FAME Life? Whe...
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Post-FAME Life? Where next?

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AMR Kobaisy
Posts: 3
Alumni 2012
Topic starter
Joined: 1 year ago

I am curious to learn where current students and graduates are interested to do next in their life.

So post what you would like to do after you graduate from the program!

An example from my personal experience:
"I personally graduated in July, took a month off to spend some time with my family back in Egypt.

After that, it was clear to me that I wanted to stay in Europe and build a life here. But how? 
I struggled internally to consider pursuing a PHD or looking towards working in industry.

After some intensive meditation the answer was crystal clear to me. I wish I knew how powerful meditation was, because that is not what really happend.

I ended up pursuing a career in industry due to my passion in applied engineering. "


What are your plans?