FAMEAIS missions & history

FAMEAIS : 15 years of evolving missions

graphique history

Our Dual Mission is to :

Address Global Challenges such as Sustainability, Energy, Environment, Health, and Security which are of vital concern to stakeholders worldwide.

Addressing these urgent global challenges will require:

  • Creative thinking
  • Effective use of global resources
  • Increased cooperation across regions, sectors, and academic disciplines
  • A cadre of well-trained global leaders

FAMEAIS sparks rapid innovation in these critical areas by assembling interdisciplinary teams of researchers from their institutions and from around the world and challenging them to develop collaborative projects based on creative approaches.

Build Global Leadership capabilities

For young scientists and engineers to solve the world’s most pressing problems.

For example, they must:

  • Collaborate easily across sectors and disciplines
  • Build global teams with complementary strengths
  • Understand the broader implications of their research
  • Communicate their research to diverse stakeholders

They must also develop:

  • Advanced science and engineering competences
  • Understanding of policy, manufacturing, and technology management
  • Strong international working relationships
  • Knowledge of international R&D infrastructures
  • Interdisciplinary and intercultural communication skills

FAMEAIS develops these capabilities through its unique international Master program.
International collaboration is emphasized within internships of master students in close collaboration with EMMI research and industrial partners.